Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Yentas Are At It Again

In today's edition of "WTF Are They Thinking ?", we're going to examine the 400 rabbis who got their yamulkes in a bunch and called on FOX News to "sanction" Glenn Beck for his alleged antisemitic smears against George Soros.

Yes, sports fans, we have rabbis demanding that someone be punished for outing the schemes of an avowed atheist and Nazi collaborator. I know that sounds as stupid as taking marital advice from Tiger Woods, but unlike Dan Rather, we here at Absolutely Nobama don't just make things up just because it makes great copy. We merely comment (and mock) about what we see. (In other words, you won't find any Paul Krugman like commentary here.)

Now, before we get started, as is our custom here, let me point out one thing: I'm Jewish. 100% bagels and lox loving Jewish. (With a name like Alan Levy what else could I possibly be ?) And let me also go on record that I am quite proud of being Jewish. So before another website puts this column on another antisemite watch dog list (as was the case after I defended Sarah Palin's use of the word "blood libel".) , let it be on the record: Alan Levy, the author of "Absolutely Nobama" is Jewish. If you want to hunt down actual antisemitic Jew baters you could could start in Congress, with Jim Moran and Jim Webb.

Now that we've gotten that political correctness crap out of the way, let's get back to business, which is questioning why on God's green and COOLING earth would 400 rabbis condemn outing George Soros. Just why would they do that ? Well, that's easy. George Soros is paying the bills. Let's take a look at the nastygram they sent Rupert Murdoch, CEO of FOX:


January 27, 2011

Dear Mr. Murdoch,

We are rabbis of diverse political views. As part of our work, we are devoted to preserving the memory of the Shoah, and to passing its lessons on to our future generations and to all humankind. All of us have vigorously defended the Holocaust’s legacy. We have worked to encourage the responsible invocation of its symbols as a powerful lesson for the future.

We were therefore deeply offended by Roger Ailes’ recent statement attributing the outrage over Glenn Beck’s use of Holocaust and Nazi images to "left-wing rabbis who basically don’t think that anybody can ever use the word ‘Holocaust’ on the air."

In the charged political climate in the current civic debate, much is tolerated, and much is ignored or dismissed. But you diminish the memory and meaning of the Holocaust when you use it to discredit any individual or organization you disagree with. That is what Fox News has done in recent weeks, and it is not only "left-wing rabbis" who think so.

Abe Foxman, National Director of the Anti-Defamation League, a child survivor of the Holocaust, described Beck’s attack on George Soros as "not only offensive, but horrific, over-the-top, and out-of-line." Commentary Magazine said that "Beck’s denunciation of him [Soros] is marred by ignorance and offensive innuendo." Elan Steinberg, vice president of The American Gathering of Jewish Holocaust Survivors, called Mr. Beck’s accusations "monstrous." Rev. Welton Gaddy, president of the Interfaith Alliance, called them "beyond repugnant." And Deborah Lipstadt, professor of Holocaust Studies at Emory University, says Beck is using traditional anti-Semitic imagery.

"I haven’t heard anything like this on television or radio — and I’ve been following this kind of stuff," Lipstadt said. "I’ve been in the sewers of anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial more often than I’ve wanted."

We share a belief that the Holocaust, of course, can and should be discussed appropriately in the media. But that is not what we have seen at Fox News. It is not appropriate to accuse a 14-year-old Jew hiding with a Christian family in Nazi-occupied Hungary of sending his people to death camps. It is not appropriate to call executives of another news agency "Nazis." And it is not appropriate to make literally hundreds of on-air references to the Holocaust and Nazis when characterizing people with whom you disagree.

It is because this issue has a profound impact on each of us, our families and our communities that we are calling on Fox News to meet the standard it has set for itself: "to exercise the ultimate sensitivity when referencing the Holocaust."

We respectfully request that Glenn Beck be sanctioned by Fox News for his completely unacceptable attacks on a survivor of the Holocaust and that Roger Ailes apologize for his dismissive remarks about rabbis’ sensitivity to how the Holocaust is used on the air.


This letter is from the Jewish Funds For Justice, which is just another Soros front group, like the Center for American Progress. In fact, the header of their website reads: "Creating a just, fair, & compassionate America". ( ) Hmmmmm....where have we heard that before ? Doesn't that sound a whole lot like social justice ? Isn't this the header of almost every one of the websites of Spooky Dude's front groups ? Hmmm... let's put my theory to the test. Let's take a look at a few, shall we ?

Center For American Progress ? Check.

NAACP ? Check. (Soros funds the Tea Party Tracker site.)

Tides Foundation ? Check.

Here's the bottom line, folks. These jokers don't represent the American Jewish population. They represent secular Judaism, which has nothing to do with God or Jewish tradition. Secular Judaism is all about social justice, which is nothing more than socialism in a new package. These are the same people who would have volunteered to be Jewish police in the Warsaw ghetto. Is that a tad harsh ? Yes, but what are we to make of people who trample the Torah to make a political point ? Just about every one of the tenets of social justice violates the Torah. (I'm sure you've heard of them, Jewish Funds For Justice. Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not covet, Thou shalt not bear false witness, to name a few. Yeah, they're the Ten Commandments that you seem to think are Ten Suggestions When Politically Convenient.) We The People have to stay alert. The 2+2=5 Progressivevik movement will stop at nothing, even perverting the world's oldest monotheistic religion, to attain their socialistic goals. (As they have already done with Christianity. See Black Liberation Theology and Chairman Obama's pastor, Jeremiah Wrong for further details.) These are dangerous times, indeed.

God help us all.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The 2011 State of Confusion Address: The Bad, The Ugly, And The WTF ?

Is it me or is the game passing Chairman Obama by ?

The 2011 State of Confusion Address proved one thing: Our Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama is a shadow of his former self. We did not see the fiery, charismatic demogogue of the 2008 Popularity Contest. Last night, we saw a shell shocked man who knows the gig is up. It was almost sad to watch.

Obama looked like as if he were barefoot and standing on shards of broken glass. It was almost as if you could feel his discomfort. I don't know if Obama's still smarting from the "shellacking" he and the Democrat party took in the Midterm Massacre. I don't know if he appreciates being forced to pretend he's a centrist instead of the wild-eyed radical we saw on the campaign trail a mere three years ago. I can't read minds, but I know what I heard: a flat speech that wasn't going to inspire anyone to do anything but vote against Obama and the Democrat party in the 2012 elections. This, Dear Reader, is the "bad" part of the State of Confusion Address. It was bad indeed.

The "ugly" part of the evening came from the fact that Chairman Obama decided that the whole "civility" thing applied to those evil Conservatives only and decided it was time for some more class warfare and socialist rhetoric.


"And if we truly care about our deficit, we simply can't afford a permanent extension of the tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. Before we take money away from our schools or scholarships away from our students, we should ask millionaires to give up their tax break. It's not a matter of punishing their success. It's about promoting America's success."


No, Dear Leader, that's not promoting "America's success", that's promoting social justice, which at last check, is at very best socialism and at very worst communism. What is being suggested here is that wealth should be redistributed, and for the life of me, I can't name one American success story that ever began with the redistribution of wealth. "Civility" ? Into the nearest Memory Hole! It's time for the ugliness of class warfare, yet again.

The WTF moment of the State of Confusion Address was this:


"We'll put more Americans to work repairing crumbling roads and bridges. We'll make sure this is fully paid for, attract private investment, and pick projects based [on] what's best for the economy, not politicians."


Now, paint me a shade of skeptical, but wasn't this what the Stimulus scam was for ? Didn't we just spend 786 billion dollars on the "crumbling infrastructure" ? Why, I seem to remember a certain inexperienced socialist saying this back in '09:


"Already, more than 10,000 of these [infrastructure] projects have been funded through the Recovery Act. And by design, Recovery Act work on roads, bridges, water systems, Superfund sites, broadband networks, and clean energy projects will all be ramping up in the months ahead. "


At this point you have to wonder: Does Chairman Obama even remember what he says anymore ? Do his sycophants? Do they even care anymore ? A true WTF statement for the ages indeed.

For the last two-plus years, I've been telling myself "Relax, it's going to get better."

Well, the Bad, The Ugly, and the WTF of last night's State of Confusion Address has proven that I've been lying to myself.

God help us all.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

This Is Not A Good Sign, Not By A Long Shot.

On January 23, Little Dickie Durbin (S-Ill) had this to say to Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday:


"China, our major creditor, is in a position where tomorrow, if they've announced that they've lost confidence in the dollar and the American economy, it would have a devastating impact on people across America, businesses, homeowners, people who rely on interest rates in terms of their own daily activities."


Needless to say, I have never agreed with Little Dickie on anything. After all, the Dickster believes in social justice, wealth redistribution, the lie/false religion known as Climate Change, and all kinds of 2+2=5 Progressivevik crap-ola, while yours truly is an American who believes in free market capitalism and the Constitution. To call our views oil and water would be a vast understatement to say the least.

However, Little Dickie hit it on the head with the above statement.

If China was to lose confidence in the American dollar or economy and refused to buy our debt, the United States would enter the Third World. Our economic system would collapse, as would our political system. The ensuing calamity would make the Great Depression look like a mere bump in the road. It would be ugly, like Joyless Behar first thing in the morning without make up. (Not that make up really saves the day with Joyless, but work with me here.) So, kudos to Little Dickie for having the Spauldings to say what folks like Glenn Beck have been saying for years. The national debt is a threat to our sovereignty, hands down. Bravo, Dickster, bravo. (I think I need a shower now. I've never felt so dirty. Agreeing with Little Dickie Durbin is the political and intellectual equivalent to sleeping with a prostitute with a sore on her lip.)

How did it get this way ? Sure, there's plenty of blame to go around. The quick and easy answer is Chairman Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies Harry Potter Reid and Princess Nancy, Ruler of the People's Republic of Pelosi. After all, they've proven time and time again that they have the spending habits of meth addicts. (Surprisingly, the Stimulus plan was a 786 billion dollar flop. Whoulda thunk it that turtle tunnels and fish ladders wouldn't lead us from the brink ? Imagine what damage Obamacareless will do. ) In the interest of fairness, the George W. Bush Error wasn't much better. Sure, Bush cut taxes, but he didn't cut spending to go along with the cuts. Bush and his RINO herd instead gave us Medicare Part D with no way to pay for it, along with tossing the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq (remember them ?) on a credit card. (Yes, Bush was right to go war in both cases, but he should have paid for them.) The last 10 years was a text book example of how not to run the country, to say the least. However, as grotesque as the above monstrosities are, they are not the cause of America's problems.

We The People are.

I know this may not be the fashionable thing to say, but it needs to be said. The federal "government" spends more on entitlements than it does on anything else, including defense. ( ) The only way out of this mess is to cut entitlements and do so quickly. Socialist Security, Medicare, and Medicaid have to be overhauled, if not abolished if our counrty is to survive. I know how that sounds. I know it sounds heartless. I know it makes it sound like I want to see Grandma living in a box eating cat food to survive, but it needs to be discussed in a rational manner. We can't thrive as a country with the Chinese guillotine dangling over our neck.

Just ask Little Dickie Durbin.

God help us all.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Do You Remember ? I Know I Do.

A message from the heart to the Republicans in Congress:


Remember, remember the elections in November,

you were elected stop Obama's near treasonous plot.

I know of no reason, other than treason,

that the elections should ever be forgot!


What earth shattering event would force me to write such admittedly poor prose ? What on earth could possibly make Your Friendly Neighborhood Right Wing Extremist Columnist so upset that he is forced to stray so far from his comfort zone ? Just what is bothering him, anyway ? (Other than the fact that the United States is sliding into the Third World.)

The idea of the Democrat and Republican party sitting together for Chairman Obama's State of Confusion Address.

I know this seems petty. I know this makes me look like a partisan hack. I know it makes me look like a jerk, given the fact that this gesture is supposedly to show unity in the wake of the Tuscon shooting that almost claimed the life of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and killed and maimed many others.

I just don't care.

Now, don't get me wrong, it's not that I don't have sympathy for the victims. It breaks my heart that nine year old Christina Taylor Green was murdered that horrible day. It breaks my heart that Congresswoman Giffords will probably spend the rest of her life recovering from her injury. My heart goes out to all the victims of the Tuscon shooting. Let's get that straight before you call me a heartless monster.

There are several reasons I oppose Congress sitting together for the State of Confusion Address. They are as follows:

•It makes it look like the Right is caving in to the criticism of the Lamestream Media. It's almost as if the Right is apologizing for the shooting even though it had nothing to do with it.

•It ignores the fact that the citizens of the United States voted FOR a divided government.

•It hides the vast majority the Republican Party now has in the House of Representatives. Representative Paul Broun (R-GA) said it best when he said this to talk show host Scott Hennen: " In fact, I’m talking to members of Congress. Our leadership said you do whatever you want to do. If you wanna sit with the Democrats, you can. If you wanna sit with Republicans, that you can. We‘re going to have a conference next week and I’m gonna bring that up there. I already believe very firmly that it is a trap and a ruse that Democrats are proposing. They don’t want civility. They want silence from the Republicans. And the sitting together being kissy-kissy is just another way to try to silence Republicans, and also to show — to keep the American people from seeing how few of them there are in the U.S. House now. Then when people stand up to — what the Democrats are going to be doing when Barack Obama spews out all his venom, then, um, if they’re scattered throughout all the Republicans, then it won‘t be as noticeable as if we’re sitting apart. So it is a ruse and I‘m not in favor of it and I’m talking about it and I hope other members of the Republican conference in the House will not take the bait."

I remember why I voted the way I did last November. Does the Republican Party remember why I voted that way or did they toss that fact into the nearest Memory Hole ?

God help us all.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

A Personal Message For Those Calling For Civility

I have a very personal message for those half wits who are calling for "civility".

Ready ?

Here we go:

Shove it. Shove it where the sun doesn't shine. Shove it up sideways. Shove it up sideways and twist it around.

Now I'm sure there will be those who will call me a hatemonger. It certainly wouldn't be the first time, and I'm sure it won't be the last time. Oh well. I'm crying a river, let me tell you. Really. Boo-hoo.

See, I look at the current political environment as more than the Hatfield and McCoy nonsense that we see twenty-four hours a day on the various cable news outlets. It's more than that. Much more. As far as I'm concerned, it's a struggle between good and evil, with good having the snot beat out of it constantly.

The 2+2=5 Junta that is the Democrat Party has done its level-headed best to shred to the Constitution, destroy the free market, and destroy personal freedom for decades.Whether it's been Obamacare(less), Financial Reform, Hate Crime Laws, or anything else that the Progressives/Liberals/No-Labels gang conjures up, the result has always been and will always be the same. A little more of America dies. A little more of our fighting spirit dies. A little more of America's soul dies.

And I'm supposed be civil about this ?

My values are not up to debate. I stand, like the grand majority of Americans, for the Constitution, for God, for family, and for country. That's that. I will not, under any circumstances, concede any points on these matters. Does this make me partisan ? I don't know, and frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Yes, I can agree to disagree on some things, but I cannot and will not compromise on basic principles such as limited government, the rights of the unborn, Free Speech, the Right to Bear Arms, property rights, America's leadership role in the world, and the role of religion in our society. They define me as a person, just like being a filthy rich liberal hypocrite defines Keith Olbermann.

To quote the famous seafaring philospher, Popeye:

"I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam."

And that ain't changing, folks.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Blood Libel ? You Betcha!

Before I begin this column, I'd like to make a declaration: I am Jewish and quite proud of it. I love bagels and lox. I complain when I'm too close to a vent. I use my hands when I talk. My favorite phrase is: "Let me speak to the manager". Believe me, I'm reminded I'm Jewish every time I look down when I take a whiz, if you catch my meaning. I am also a Levite, which means I can open the Ark of the Covenant without melting like Toht did in Raiders of the Lost Ark. Needless to say, I'm 100% Jewish.

And guess what, True Believer, I agree with Sarah Palin. She was the victim of a blood libel during the aftermath of the Giffords Shooting in Tucson where she and other Conservatives were accused of inciting murder by many members of the Professional Left.

A "blood libel", broken down to brass tacks, is an absurd accusation of murder. The term first came into being during the Middle Ages when Jews were accused of killing Christian children to use their blood in baking matzoh. Normally, I'd follow the previous sentence with a snarky remark about the stupidity of Europeans, but blood libels have reared their ugly heads in the US, the most famous being the Massena Blood Libel in New York in 1928. ( ) Anyhoo, the main point is the fact that blood libels are monuments to the stupidity of man.

So when Sarah Palin said this, she was right:


"But, especially within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn. That is reprehensible."


Naturally, the left doesn't like it when Conservatives have the unmitigated gall to defend themselves. So the Anti Defamation League, the worst of the offenders, had this whine to go with their cheese:


"Still, we wish that Palin had not invoked the phrase “blood-libel” in reference to the actions of journalists and pundits in placing blame for the shooting in Tucson on others. While the term “blood-libel” has become part of the English parlance to refer to someone being falsely accused, we wish that Palin had used another phrase, instead of one so fraught with pain in Jewish history."


So, in other words, despite the fact that the smear against Sarah Palin and other Conservatives was indeed a blood libel, that little fact should be thrown into nearest Memory Hole according to the finger sniffers at the Anti-Defamation League. Never mind the fact that this would have been a bonafide teachable moment about falsely accusing others of violence, the ADL decided to become the All Democrat League. They might as well have called Palin a shicksa while they were at it.

Funny how the Torah has a different view on blood libels than the ADL:


"Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."--- Exodus 20:16


Here's my point, folks: History has a lot to teach us if we let it.

(By the way, I'm fairly certain this will be he final time Alan Dershowitz and I will have any sort of common ground.)

God help us all.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Socialist Free Eggs And Ham

I am Obama.

I am Obama.

Obama- I- am.

That Obama-I-am!

That Obama-I-am!

I do not like

that Obama-I-am!

Do you like

Socialist Free Eggs and Ham ?

I do not like them,


I am an American. I do not like

Socialist Free Eggs and Ham.

Would you like them

Here or there?

I would not like them

here or there.

I would not like them


I do not like

Socialist Free Eggs and Ham.

I do not like them or you,


Would you like to pay for your neighbor's house ?

Would you like to save the endangered swamp mouse ?

I do not want to pay for my neighbor's house.

I do not care about the endangered swamp mouse.

I do not like them

here or there.

I do not like them


I do not like Socialist

Free Eggs and Ham.

I do not like them or you, Obama-I-am.

Don't you care the Republicans want the poor to live

in a box?

Don't you care as much as Cloward

and the Fox ?

That's baloney, the poor living in a box.

I don't care about Cloward or the Fox.

I'm not paying for my neighbor's house.

I still couldn't give a crap about the endangered mouse.

I would not eat them here or there.

I would not eat them anywhere.

I would not eat Socialist Free Eggs and Ham.

I do not like them, or you Obama-I-am.

Would you? Could you?

drive an electric car!

Eat them! Eat them!

Here they are.

I would not ,

could not,

drive an electric car.

You may like them.

You will see.

You may like them,

Come hug a tree!

No, not hugging a tree.

I would not, could not hug a tree.

Not an electric a car! Commie, let me be.

No one will be forced to live in a box.

Screw Cloward and the Fox.

I will not pay for my neighbor's house.

Guess what ? I still don't care about the endangered mouse.

I do not like them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere.

I do not like Socialist Free Eggs and Ham.

I do not like them or you, Obama-I-am.

A train! A train!

A train! A train!

Could you, would you

join Joe Biden on an Amtrak train ?

Not on a train! I'm not hugging a tree!

Not driving an electric car! Obama! Let me be!

No one will be forced to live in a box.

Screw Cloward and the Fox!

I still don't care about the endangered mouse!

Read my lips, I'm not paying for my neighbor's house!

I will not eat them here or there.

I will not eat them anywhere.

I do not like them, or you, Obama-I-Am!


Save the earth, live in the dark!

Here in the dark!

Would you, could you, live in the dark?

I would not, could not, live

in the dark.

Would you, could you, stop

acid rain?

I would not, could not, care about acid rain.

I will not live in the dark. The hell with Biden's train!

Not driving an electric car, Not hugging a tree.

I do not like them, or you, Obama, you see.

Not paying for my neighbor's house. No one will be forced to live in a box.

Cloward was a louse and so was his spouse.

I will not eat them here or there.

I do not like them anywhere!

You do not like

Socialist Free Eggs and Ham ?

I do not

like them or you,


Could you, would you, instead of flying

take a boat ?

I would not,

could not,

be forced to take a boat!

Would you, could you, pretty please

take the boat ?

I could not, would not, take a boat.

I will not, absolutely not, be forced to take a boat.

I do not care about acid rain.

I think Biden is lame, much like his train.

I will not live in the dark! I will not hug a tree!

I will not drive an electric car! You let me be!

No one will be forced to live in a box.

I do not like Cloward or his wife, the Fox!

I will not pay for my neighbor's house!

Guess what ? My cat ate the endangered mouse!

I do not like them here or there.

I do not like them ANYWHERE!

I do not like

Socialist Free Eggs and Ham!

I do not like them or you,


You do not like them.

SO you say.

Try them! Try them!

And you may.

Try them and you may I say.


I'm begging you, let me be,

I will not try them.

Up a rope, go pee.


I really hate Socialist Free Eggs and Ham!

I do!! I skeeve them, Obama-I-am!

And I won't, I WON'T ride be forced to ride on a boat!

And I won't let you destroy this country or let Keith Olbermann gloat!

And I still couldn't give a crap about acid rain

and there's no way in hell I'm riding with Biden on his train!

And the electric car. And hugging a tree.

It's so un-American, don't you see ?

Away with you and your lies about being forced to live in a box!

Take with you, Cloward and the Fox!

I'm not paying for my neighbor's house!

And I still don't care about the endangered mouse.

And for the final time, I will not eat them here and there.

Say! I will not eat them ANYWHERE!

I will never like

Socialist Free Eggs and Ham!

Go away,

go away,


Mantra Of The Democrat Party: Your Eyes And Ears Are Wrong

"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command. His heart sank as he thought of the enormous power arrayed against him, the ease with which any Party intellectual would overthrow him in debate, the subtle arguments which he would not be able to understand, much less answer. And yet he was in the right! They were wrong and he was right. The obvious, the silly, and the true had got to be defended. Truisms are true, hold on to that! The solid world exists, its laws do not change. Stones are hard, water is wet, objects unsupported fall towards the earth’s centre. With the feeling that he was speaking to O’Brien, and also that he was setting forth an important axiom, he wrote:

Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two make four. If that is granted, all else follows." ---From George Orwell's 1984


You have to wonder: Was Orwell referring to Ingsoc or the US Democrat party ? After all, both rely on and were built on lies. After all--

•The Democrat Party tells us that Global Warming will doom us all, despite the fact that winters are becoming more severe.

•The Democrat Party tells us that 30 million people can be added to Medicaid and it will be "deficit neutral".

•The Democrat Party tells us that Affirmative Action isn't racism despite the fact that it denies opportunities to individuals on the basis of race.

•The Democrat Party tells us that gun control laws reduce crime, yet in every city that enacts strict gun laws, the murder rates shoot through the roof.

•The Democrat Party tells us that America is a secular nation, yet 92% of all Americans believe in some sort of Higher Power.

•The Democrat Party fights tooth and nail against the death penalty and fights tooth and nail to keep abortion legal.

So tell me, Dems, does two plus two make four ? Five ? Does it even matter to you any more ?

God help us all.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Apologies, Olbermann ? You And Your Leftist Friends First.

On November 22nd, 1963, Communist sympathizer Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated President John F. Kennedy.

On June 5th, 1968, anti-Israeli extremist Sirhan Sirhan assassinated Senator Robert Kennedy.

The Weather Underground, which Chairman Obama sycophant Bill Ayers was a member of, spent 1969-1981 setting off bombs and committing armed robberies, all in the name of "social justice".

Ted Kaczynski, the leftist terrorist known as the Unabomber, has this catalogue of carnage to his credit:


1978 May 25–26 Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois Terry Marker, campus police officer (minor injuries)

1979 May 9 Northwestern University John Harris, graduate student (slight burns)

November 15 Chicago, Illinois 12 American Airlines passengers (smoke inhalation)

1980 June 10 Chicago Percy Wood, United Airlines President (cuts and burns)

1981 October 8 University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah none—bomb defused

1982 May 5 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee Janet Smith, university secretary (severe injury to hands requiring extensive rehabilitative treatment)

July 2 University of California, Berkeley, California Diogenes Angelakos, professor (right hand and face burns; near complete recovery)

1985 May 15 University of California, Berkeley John Hauser, graduate student( partial loss of vision in left eye, loss of four fingers on right hand )

June 13 Auburn, Washington none—bomb defused

November 15 Ann Arbor, Michigan James V. McConnell and Nicklaus Suino (McConnell: hearing loss; Suino: shrapnel wounds )

December 11 Sacramento, California Hugh Scrutton, computer rental store owner( first fatality)

1987 February 20 Salt Lake City, Utah Gary Wright, computer store owner( Severe nerve damage to left arm, reconstructive surgery required.)

1993 June 22 Tiburon, California Charles Epstein, University of California geneticist (destroyed both eardrums, lost parts of three fingers)

June 24 Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut David Gelernter, computer science professor (right hand and right eye)

1994 December 10 North Caldwell, New Jersey Thomas J. Mosser, advertising executive (second fatality)

1995 April 24 Sacramento, California Gilbert P. Murray, timber industry lobbyist (third fatality )


Try as I might, I just can't find any examples of the the Lamestream Media telling the Left to turn down the volume on any its rhetoric after any of these acts of Leftist terr--er, uh, "man made disasters". Another thing I can't find is notable figures on the Right blaming any of these horrors on Leftist publications or the Leftist media.

That's what makes the reaction of the Professional Left to Saturday's attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords so appalling to anyone with a lick of common sense. Once again, the Left had taken its own sorry history and thrown it into the nearest Memory Hole to crucify Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and the Tea Party. It was ugly, with Paul Krugman and Markos Moulitsas leading the charge against anyone to the right of Lenin. (For more on these two lunkheads, see my coulmn, Never Let A Good Tragedy Go To Waste on January 8th.) They acted like two year olds with a poop in their shorts, no question, but as abominable as they were, they were nowhere near as wretched as PMSNBC's Keith Olbermann.

The man who stole a Murrow Award for "excellence in electronic media" had this to say about the tragedy in Tuscon, during his "Special Comments" segment:


" Finally tonight, as promised, a Special Comment on the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona. We need to put the guns down. Just as importantly we need to put the gun metaphors away and permanently.

Left, right, middle – politicians and citizens – sane and insane. This morning in Arizona, this age in which this country would accept 'targeting' of political opponents and putting bullseyes over their faces and of the dangerous blurring between political rallies and gun shows, ended.

This morning in Arizona, this time of the ever-escalating, borderline-ecstatic invocation of violence in fact or in fantasy in our political discourse, closed. It is essential tonight not to demand revenge, but to demand justice; to insist not upon payback against those politicians and commentators who have so irresponsibly brought us to this time of domestic terrorism, but to work to change the minds of them and their supporters – or if those minds tonight are too closed, or if those minds tonight are too unmoved, or if those minds tonight are too triumphant, to make sure by peaceful means that those politicians and commentators and supporters have no further place in our system of government.

At this news conference this evening, Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik took the extraordinary step of reporting details of not the crime scene alone but rather of the political and cultural climate. I think it’s time as a country to do soul searching because I think rhetoric we hear day in and day out from the people in the radio business and some people in the tv business. And what we see on tv and how our youngsters are being raised. It may be free speech but without consequences. Arizona is the mecca of prejudice and bigotry.

If Sarah Palin, whose website put and today scrubbed bullseye targets on 20 Representatives including Gabby Giffords, does not repudiate her own part however, tangential in amplifying violence and violent imagery in politics, she must be dismissed from politics – she must be repudiated by the members of her own party, and if they fail to do so, each one of them must be judged to have silently defended this tactic that today proved so awfully foretelling, and they must in turn be dismissed by the responsible members of their own party.

If Jesse Kelly, whose campaign against Congresswoman Giffords included an event in which he encouraged his supporters to join him firing machine guns, does not repudiate this, does not admit that even if it was solely indirectly, or solely coincidentally, it contributed to the black cloud of violence that has enveloped our politics, he must be repudiated by Arizona’s Republican Party.

If Congressman Allen West, who during his successful campaign told his supporters that they should make his opponent afraid to come out of his own home, does not repudiate those remarks and all other suggestions of violence or forced fear, he should be repudiated by his constituents and the Republican Congressional Caucus.

If Sharron Angle, who spoke of 'Second Amendment remedies,' does not repudiate that remark and urge her supporters to think anew of the terrible reality of what her words implied, she must be repudiated by her supporters in Nevada.

If the Tea Party leaders who took out of context a Jefferson quote about blood and tyranny and the tree of liberty do not understand – do not understand tonight, now, what that really means, and these leaders do not tell their followers to abhor violence and all threat of violence, then those Tea Party leaders must be repudiated by the Republican Party.

If Glenn Beck, who obsesses nearly as strangely as Mr. Loughner did about gold and debt and who wistfully joked about killing Michael Moore, and Bill O’Reilly, who blithely repeated 'Tiller the Killer' until the phrase was burned into the minds of his viewers, if do not begin their next broadcasts with solemn apologies for ever turning to the death-fantasies and the dreams of blood-lust, for ever having provided just the oxygen to those deep in madness to whom violence is an acceptable solution, then those commentators and the others must be repudiated by their viewers and listeners, and by all politicians, who appear on their programs, including President Obama and his planned interview with Fox on Super Bowl Sunday and repudiated by the sponsors, and by the networks that employ them. And if all of these are not responsible for what happened in Tucson, they must now be responsible for doing everything they can to make Tucson does not happen again.

And if those of us considered to be 'on the left' do not re-dedicate ourselves to our vigilance to eliminate all our own suggestions of violence – how ever inadvertent they might have been, then we too deserve the repudiation of the more sober and peaceful of our politicians and our viewers and our networks.

Here, once, in a clumsy metaphor, I made such an unintended statement about the candidacy of then-Senator Clinton. It sounded as if it was a call to physical violence. It was wrong, then. It is even more wrong tonight. I apologize for it again, and I urge politicians and commentators and citizens of every political conviction to use my comment as a means to recognize the insidiousness of violent imagery, that if it can go so easily and slip into the comments of one as opposed to violence as me, how easily, how pervasively, how disastrously it can slip into the already-violent or deranged mind?

For tonight we stand at one of the clichéd crossroads of American history. Even if the alleged terrorist Jared Lee Loughner was merely shooting into a political crowd because he wanted to shoot into a political crowd, even if he was somehow unaware who was in the crowd, we have nevertheless for years been building up to a moment like this. Despite the Youtube videos in what it appears to be Loughner referring specifically to the eighth Congress District of Arizona, Gabby Giffords District, assume the details are coincidence. The violence is not. The rhetoric has devolved and descended, past the ugly and past the threatening and past the fantastic and into the imminently murderous.

We will not return to the 1850s, when a pro-slavery Congressman nearly beat to death an anti-slavery Senator; when an anti-slavery madman cut to death with broadswords pro-slavery advocates.

We will not return to the 1960s, when with rationalizations of an insane desire for fame, or of hatred, or of political opposition, a President was assassinated and an ultra-Conservative would-be president shot at and paralyzed, and a leader of peace was murdered on a balcony. We will not.

Because tonight, what Mrs. Palin, and what Mr. Kelly, and what Congressman West, and what Ms. Angle, and what Mr. Beck, and what Mr. O’Reilly, and what you and I must understand, was that the man who fired today did not fire at a Democratic Congresswoman and her supporters.

He was not just a madman incited by a thousand daily temptations by slightly less-mad-men to do things they would not rationally condone.

He fired today into our liberty and our rights to live and to agree or disagree in safety and in freedom from fear that our support or opposition will cost us our lives or our health or our sense of safety. The bulls-eye might just as well have been on Mrs. Palin, or Mr. Kelly, or you, or me. The wrong, the horror, would have been – could still be just as real and just as unacceptable.

At a time of such urgency and impact, we as Americans – conservative or liberal – should pour our hearts and souls into our politics. We should not – none of us, not Gabby Giffords and not any Conservative – ever have to pour our blood. And every politician and commentator who hints otherwise, or worse still stays silent now, should have no place in our political system, and should be denied that place, not by violence, but by being shunned and ignored.

It is a simple pledge, it is to the point, and it is essential that every American politician and commentator and activist and partisan and take it and take it now, I say it first, and freely:

Violence, or the threat of violence, has no place in our Democracy, and I apologize for and repudiate any act or any thing in my past that may have even inadvertently encouraged violence. Because for whatever else each of us may be, we all are Americans. Good night and good luck. "


The most galling thing about this insult to all of our intelligence is this: By the time Olbermann had taken to the air, the facts about Jared Loughner were already out: Loughner was a mentally ill bottom feeder that had nothing to do with the Tea Party, Sarah Palin, Bill O'Reilly, or anyone on the Right. His nonsensical ramblings were all over the Internet and cable news. I could be spitballing here, but I'm fairly certain Olbermann has access to the Internet. I'm also sure he has access to a television. Yet, the Murrow Award winner decided to grind his political axe anyway. Sure, some will point to his half hearted mea culpa about some comment that he made that no one remembers or cares about. Some will also point that the he admonished the Left in his tirade. This too, is complete crap-ola. He doesn't name names or call out anyone on the Left, like he did Sarah Palin, Sharron Angle, Glenn Beck, Bill O'Reilly, Jesse Kelly, and the Tea Party. At this point, I'd like to call the failed sports commentator a jerk, but that's unfair to jerks. I'd call him an asshole, but that's unfair to assholes. No, I think I'll just call him what the rest of the world already calls him:


Saturday, January 8, 2011

Never Let A Good Tragedy Go To Waste

"We don’t have proof yet that this was political, but the odds are that it was. She’s been the target of violence before. And for those wondering why a Blue Dog Democrat, the kind Republicans might be able to work with, might be a target, the answer is that she’s a Democrat who survived what was otherwise a GOP sweep in Arizona, precisely because the Republicans nominated a Tea Party activist. (Her father says that “the whole Tea Party” was her enemy.) And yes, she was on Sarah Palin’s infamous “crosshairs” list.

Just yesterday, Ezra Klein remarked that opposition to health reform was getting scary. Actually, it’s been scary for quite a while, in a way that already reminded many of us of the climate that preceded the Oklahoma City bombing.

You know that Republicans will yell about the evils of partisanship whenever anyone tries to make a connection between the rhetoric of Beck, Limbaugh, etc. and the violence I fear we’re going to see in the months and years ahead. But violent acts are what happen when you create a climate of hate. And it’s long past time for the GOP’s leaders to take a stand against the hate-mongers." --Paul Krugman, from his crappy blog.


"Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin"-- Markos Moulitsas on Twitter


The Professional Left just can't help themselves, can they ?

The moment the news broke that Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords (D-AZ) was shot in Tuscon by psycho Jared Loughner, The Lefty Noise Machine sprung into action, blaming Sarah Palin and the Tea Party. There wasn't a shred of evidence, mind you, since the Tuscon PD hadn't yet released a statement, but who needs facts when you have a golden opportunity to cut into political opponents, especially after a landslide electoral defeat ?

This is more than sheer incompetence, I'm afraid. This is just another example of Leftist hate. The moment I heard about the shooting, I knew this tragedy had nothing to do with politics without hearing one word from the Tuscon PD or the unwatchable Sheperd Smith on FOX. Think about it: Why would a "Right Wing assassin" target a Congresswoman in the minority party ? It's not like she can push through bills without the support of the Majority party. Why would a crazed "Tea Party Revolutionary" attack a very Conservative Democrat ? Gabrielle Giffords is not a denizen of the People's Republic of Pelosi. She's never wandered the halls of Congress chanting "Two and two make five, all hail Chairman Obama." On the contrary, Giffords was a big fan of SB 1070 and attacked Chairman Obama for not putting more National Guard troops on the Arizona/Mexico border. Not only that, Giffords is also a staunch defender of the Second Amendment. Granted, no one is ever going to confuse Gabrielle Giffords with Barry Goldwater, (She did vote for Stimulus Slush Fund and Obamacare(less), after all.) but she's a lot more Conservative than, say, John McPain. If anything, a lefty assassin would have targeted her, not a righty.

I may be giving the Professional Left a little too much credit here, but there's no way in hell that they didn't come to the same conclusion the moment they heard the news about the Giffords shooting. After all, they're the smartest human beings on the face of God's green, and lest we forget, COOLING earth.

Just ask them.

God help us all.

Friday, January 7, 2011

My Advice To The Republicans In The 112th Congress

....Is very simple: Grow a set of Spauldings.

I'm not saying this out of spite (yet), I'm giving the new Republicans in the House and Imperial Senate some friendly (for now) advice. Grow a set, you're definitely gonna need 'em.

The United States is teetering on a complete and total breakdown, both politically and economically. Our country is at war. Our country has sociopathic, murderous dictators that seek to destroy it. Our economy can no longer produce any useful goods. Our money is becoming as worthless as a Keith Olbermann monologue. Terrorists seek to murder innocent Americans and yet, the "government" can only respond by feeling up nuns at airports. Your work is certainly cut out for you, newbies.

Oh yeah, before I forget, there's a socialist in the White House, too.

The reality is this: The Republican Party can't go back to the Republican Panty (no typo) that it was during the Bush Error. It has to go back to its old, non-Compassionate Conservative ways. It means spending cuts and lots of them. It means entitlement cuts. It also means standing up to Chairman Obama, giving him the middle finger if need be, and saying "You've done enough damage. Now sit down, shut up, and let the adults talk." NOW is the time to be partisan. NOW is the time be the Party of No, as in NO new spending, and certainly NO compromise on the Conservative values that swept the Republican Party back into power. Is this extremist talk ? DAMN RIGHT, IT IS! Are these drastic times that call for extreme measures ? To quote a certain political king maker from Wasilla, Alaska: "You betcha!"

Now, of course, the finger sniffers in the Lamestream Media will cry foul at every turn. They'll hiss, they'll scratch, they'll cry out that the Republican Party wants Grandma to live in a refrigerator box and eat cat food. Well, let them. The Republican Party has to get over what Ann Coulter accurately descibed in her priceless book, Guilty, : their Stockholm Syndrome when it comes to the Lamestream Media. The American people have learned to tune out the Tom Brokejaws and Dan Blathers of the world. Why can't the Republican Party ? That's where the big, brass Spauldings come in. The assault will be tireless to say the least, but the Republican Party must keep this in mind:


Don't be squeamish, Newbie Republicans, We The People are with you. From Rassmussen:


Wrong Track/Right Direction (A little hint: the waaaay smaller percentages are the folks who think the Hope and Che of Chairman Obama was a swell idea.)

DEC 27-30 & JAN 2



DEC 20-26



DEC 13-19



DEC 6-12



NOV 29-DEC 5



NOV 22, 23 & 28



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NOV 1-7



OCT 25-31



OCT 18-24



OCT 11-17



OCT 4-10



SEP 27-OCT 3



SEP 20-26



SEP 13-19



SEP 6-12



AUG 30-SEP 5



AUG 23-29



AUG 16-22



AUG 9-15



AUG 2-8



JUL 26-AUG 1



JUL 19-25



JUL 12-18



JUL 5-11



JUN 21-27



JUN 14-20



JUN 7-13



MAY 31 - JUN 6



MAY 24-30



MAY 17-23



MAY 10-16



MAY 3-8



APR 26-MAY 2



APR 19-25



APR 12-18



APR 5-11



MAR 29-APR 4



MAR 22-28



MAR 15-21



MAR 8-14



MAR 1-7



FEB 22-28



FEB 15-21



FEB 8-14



FEB 1-7



JAN 25-31



JAN 18-24



JAN 11-17



JAN 4-10



DEC 28-30 & JAN 3, 2010



DEC 21-23, 27



DEC 14-20




It's NOW or NEVER, Republican Party, as in take the opportunity now or we'll never vote for you again.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The Best Of Absolutely Nobama: So, You Want Government Run Health Care, Do You ?

Gather 'round, fellow Right Wing Extremists! It's short story fiction time!


It was a cold winter morning. Mary Jane was happy she wasn't pregnant during the summer. All of her friends who had been pregnant during the summer were universally miserable. This cool weather was a welcome treat, as she remembered that awful time in Florida when she and her husband Ric went to Miami to celebrate The Chairman's 5th term in office.

Her appreciation of the wonderful Detroitoronto winter soon melted away into worry. Dr. Charrington, Mary Jane's assigned OB-GYN, wanted to see her right away. Like most doctors, he was unwilling to discuss the matter fully on the phone. Mary Jane started to really push on the gas, trying to make her Smart Car go faster than its usual top speed of 25 mph. She glanced down at her gauge, and remembered that due to the month's electricity rationing, she was unable to plug her car in. Despite her worry, Mary Jane slowed down to the speed limit of 15 mph for fear her car would run out of juice.

After an eternity, Mary Jane arrived at the OB-GYN center that was in her sector. She sat in the reception area for about two and half hours after her arrival. The room was very crowded, since Ontariogan's other center was shut down after several outbreaks of hepatitis from examining equipment and gloves being used over and over again without being sterilized.

Finally, as the third hour of waiting had begun, Mary Jane's number was called. Nervously, she went to the receptionist's cubicle that was encased in bullet proof glass. Executive order 102365 called for all medical receptionists to be protected by bullet proof glass, especially after the Vancouvereattle incident occurred, when an irate cancer patient killed a receptionist. It was quite the scandal. A handgun hadn't been seen in CanAmerica since the Second Amendment was repealed on Freedom From Random Violence Day.

"Umm..hello ?" said Mary Jane quietly. The receptionist, engaged in her conversation on her GE/Apple/Microsoft/i-phone, ignored her.

Pushed to her limit with pregnancy hormones coursing angrily through her veins, Mary Jane angrily knocked on the glass to get the receptionist's attention.


"I'm sorry," Mary Jane said sadly. "It's just...Well....I'm a little nervous. Dr. Charrington called and said he needs to see me right away."

"Your name ?"

"Mary Jane Sanchez Cohen"

The receptionist hacked away on her keyboard for about two minutes. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she looked up.

"Go to room 101. Counselor O'Brien will see you."

"Counselor ? I came to see my OB, not some counselor."

"Ma'am...That's what I have. Please report to room 101. Follow the green line, please."

Annoyed, Mary Jane did what she was told. Along the way, she muttered many curses, but was careful to keep her voice down. Executive Order 7896-A made cursing against the law, and since she hadn't worked in almost a year, a twenty Amero fine would mean not eating for the rest of the week, even with her Entitlement Code being raised to Orange.

Arriving at room 101, Mary Jane nervously knocked on the door.

An older man in medical scrubs answered the door. His face was weathered and weary and his hair was combed neatly. It seemed to Mary Jane that the man was made of metal, not human flesh. Something about this guy just isn't right, she thought to herself.

"Hello," Mary Jane said. "I'm Mary Jane Sanchez Cohen."

The man motioned her to sit down. The stark room had no decorations, not even the tasteless, generic paintings that are usually found in doctor's offices. All that stood in the egg-shell white room was two leather chairs, a big, black metal desk, and a GE/Apple/Microsoft Greenleaf Thoughtpad on the desk.

"I'm Counselor O'Brien. I have unfortunate news for you. I regret to inform you that that your section's CanAm Health Board has deemed it necessary to terminate your pregnancy. Your required amniocentesis has shown that your fetus has a 9% chance of having Tay-Sachs disease and an 11% chance of being born with spina bifida. Ultrasounds were inconclusive, but the Tay-Sachs and Spina Bifida scores are above the allowed limit."

"Wait a minute! I'm not even Jewish! At my required Lamaze class, they told us that only Jewish couples had to worry about Tay-Sachs!"

"Also, French CanAmericans. According to your file, your mother was born in Quebec, was she not ?"

"Well, yes, but my father..."

"Doesn't matter. Before your husband was killed on the Malabar front, he tested positive for the gene. However, AMSOC records show he was called for duty before his scheduled sterilization. Accidents do happen, it seems. Your scheduled termination date is 30 March at 0900 hours. Be sure to have your Nat-ID card with you and someone to drive you home. If you do not have anyone to drive you home, we will provide you with transportation home for 20 Ameros."

"I'm seven months pregnant! That's a little late, isn't it ?"

"Executive Order BF6002360006 gives the CanAm Health Board broad powers to determine when a pregnancy may be ended, especially if the fetus is determined to be too costly to be born. A baby with Tay-Sachs usually dies anyway. It's best to discard it and start again. I understand at your age that may be hard to do. This is why Executive Order 2296-B was written, to discourage women from having babies in their forties. Your fetus's gestational age puts it about 18 days before the order was enacted, so I can't find you in violation."

"His name is Hunter...."

"Who ?"

"My baby's name is Hunter, sir. I'd appreciate it if you called him Hunter, and not 'it'."

"It is a fetus, not a living person. It's best if you start thinking that way now, so the procedure won't be so traumatic for you."

"What if I refuse ? What if I don't allow you to murder my son ?"

"Again, it is not a person, like you or me. It's like having your appendix removed if it were to become inflamed. Would you be so attached to a rupturing appendix ? Now, keep in mind, it is a Class C Felony to give birth without consent of the CanAm Board, which would carry a one year reduction in your Entitlement and could subject you to possible Reeducation. Is that tumor in your womb really worth it ?"

Counselor O'Brien droned on, but Mary Jane wasn't listening. She knew it would be futile to resist, and she would be looked upon as a pariah since matters like this quickly became news, especially since the HIPAA laws were overturned by Executive Order 9665-AB. Everyone in town would know that she selfishly brought a baby into the world that would need extra care, and during a Doctor Union strike, things could get ugly. She and little Hunter would never be at peace. After a few moments, Mary Jane's rationalization mechanisms kicked in. Everyone has a right to health care and it would be selfish of me to take health care away from Board sanctioned babies. Health care may be a right, but it is the duty of the citizens to make sacrifices so everyone can have access to health care.

Finally, after an awkward pause, "Does it hurt ?" Mary Jane asked sheepishly.


Yup...Government run health care....It's to die for!