One thing you have to love about politics is the slogans. You know, like "Silent Majority", "Morning In America", and "Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Fuhrer" (Just wanted to see if you were paying attention.)
Well, we here at Absolutely Nobama want to be a part of this fine tradition, too. Ladies and gentleman, I give you the first political slogan of the new decade (Drum roll, please....) I give you: OBAMACARELESS!
Why do I call our new health care scam...I mean, health care plan, Obamacareless ?
It's going to bankrupt our country...and Obama could care less.
It's not even remotely Constitutional...and Obama could care less.
No one, left or right, remotely thinks this is a good idea...and Obama could care less.
It's going to ration care...and Obama could care less.
It's going to raise taxes at the ABSOLUTELY worst possible time...and Obama could care less.
It's going to drive millions out of work...and Obama could care less.
It's turning our beloved Republic into a socialist state...and Obama could care less.
It's the biggest government boondoggle in world history...and Obama could care less.
It's the worst law ever written since the Nuremberg Laws...and Obama could care less.
So folks, do we have a winner ? Is Obamacareless the next big political slogan or what ?
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