Sunday, May 2, 2010

Turning The Tables

Winning an argument with a Progressivevik drone is easy and fun, provided you have the knock out punches to do the job. We here at Absolutely Nobama are going to give you the brass knuckles to finish the job. Making Progressiveviks squirm and look stupid is what we specialize in. Here's a few responses that are guranteed to shut them up for a while.


They say: The Tea Party is racist and only opposes Obama because he's black.

You say: Obama is a racist and only opposes the Tea Party because they're predominantly white.


They say: The Constitution is outdated. Much of it doesn't apply anymore.

You say: If the Constitution is so outdated and useless, then Obama isn't our President.


They say: Tax cuts only favor the rich.

You say: Sure, poor people are hiring workers all the time.


They say: Capitalism is evil.

You say: It's so evil it helped invent the lightbulb, telephone, automobile, the computer, the internet, and life saving drugs. Yup, it's a tool of Satan.


They say: Obama is right! Those fat cat bankers are greedy! They gave themselves big bonuses out of the TARP money.

You say: Didn't Obama vote for the TARP bill that handed them the money in the first place ?


They say: Carbon dioxide is a poison.

You say: A poison that keeps the plants alive which provide the oxygen that keeps humans alive.


They say: The world hated us under Bush.

You say: Wait until you see how much they hate us when the world economy crashes once and for all after Obama makes the dollar worthless.


As you can see, the easiest way to win an argument with a Progressivevik is to use logic. Their brains apparently lack an ability to use logic. Use the above one liners, and you'll have them catatonic in no time.

God help us all.

They surround us.

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